aiomysql — API Reference


The library provides a way to connect to MySQL database with simple factory function aiomysql.connnect(). Use this function if you want just one connection to the database, consider connection pool for multiple connections.


import asyncio
import aiomysql

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

def test_example():
    conn = yield from aiomysql.connect(host='', port=3306,
                                       user='root', password='', db='mysql',

    cur = yield from conn.cursor()
    yield from cur.execute("SELECT Host,User FROM user")
    r = yield from cur.fetchall()
    yield from cur.close()

connect(host="localhost", user=None, password="",
db=None, port=3306, unix_socket=None,
charset='', sql_mode=None,
read_default_file=None, conv=decoders, use_unicode=None,
client_flag=0, cursorclass=Cursor, init_command=None,
connect_timeout=None, read_default_group=None,
no_delay=False, autocommit=False, echo=False,
ssl=None, auth_plugin='', program_name='',
server_public_key=None, loop=None)

A coroutine that connects to MySQL.

The function accepts all parameters that pymysql.connect() does plus optional keyword-only loop and timeout parameters.

param str host:host where the database server is located, default: localhost.
param str user:username to log in as.
param str password:
 password to use.
param str db:database to use, None to not use a particular one.
param int port:MySQL port to use, default is usually OK.
param str unix_socket:
 optionally, you can use a unix socket rather than TCP/IP.
param str charset:
 charset you want to use, for example ‘utf8’.
param sql_mode:default sql-mode to use, like ‘NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES’
param read_default_file:
 specifies my.cnf file to read these parameters from under the [client] section.
param conv:decoders dictionary to use instead of the default one. This is used to provide custom marshalling of types. See pymysql.converters.
param use_unicode:
 whether or not to default to unicode strings.
param client_flag:
 custom flags to send to MySQL. Find potential values in pymysql.constants.CLIENT.
param cursorclass:
 custom cursor class to use.
param str init_command:
 initial SQL statement to run when connection is established.
param connect_timeout:
 Timeout in seconds before throwing an exception when connecting.
param str read_default_group:
 Group to read from in the configuration file.
param bool no_delay:
 disable Nagle’s algorithm on the socket
param autocommit:
 Autocommit mode. None means use server default. (default: False)
param ssl:Optional SSL Context to force SSL
param auth_plugin:
 String to manually specify the authentication plugin to use, i.e you will want to use mysql_clear_password when using IAM authentication with Amazon RDS. (default: Server Default)
param program_name:
 Program name string to provide when handshaking with MySQL. (default: sys.argv[0])
param server_public_key:
 SHA256 authenticaiton plugin public key value.
param loop:asyncio event loop instance or None for default one.
returns:Connection instance.

Representation of a socket with a mysql server. The proper way to get an instance of this class is to call aiomysql.connnect().

Its insterface is almost the same as pymysql.connection except all methods are coroutines.

The most important methods are:


A coroutine that creates a new cursor object using the connection.

By default, Cursor is returned. It is possible to also give a custom cursor through the cursor parameter, but it needs to be a subclass of Cursor

Parameters:cursor – subclass of Cursor or None for default cursor.
Returns:Cursor instance.

Immediately close the connection.

Close the connection now (rather than whenever del is executed). The connection will be unusable from this point forward.


A coroutine ends quit command and then closes socket connection.


A coroutine to enable/disable autocommit mode for current MySQL session. :param bool value: toggle atutocommit mode.


Returns autocommit status for current MySQL sesstion. :returns bool: current autocommit status.


A coroutine to begin transaction.


Commit changes to stable storage coroutine.


Roll back the current transaction coroutine.


A coroutine to set current db.

Parameters:db (str) – database name

The readonly property that returns True if connections is closed.

MySQL server IP address or name.


MySQL server TCP/IP port.


ySQL Unix socket file location.


Current database name.


User used while connecting to MySQL


Return echo mode status.


Encoding employed for this connection.


Returns the character set for current connection.