Source code for

# ported from:
import weakref

from sqlalchemy.sql import ClauseElement
from sqlalchemy.sql.dml import UpdateBase
from sqlalchemy.sql.ddl import DDLElement

from . import exc
from .result import create_result_proxy
from .transaction import (RootTransaction, Transaction,
                          NestedTransaction, TwoPhaseTransaction)
from ..utils import _TransactionContextManager, _SAConnectionContextManager

def noop(k):
    return k

[docs]class SAConnection: def __init__(self, connection, engine, compiled_cache=None): self._connection = connection self._transaction = None self._savepoint_seq = 0 self._weak_results = weakref.WeakSet() self._engine = engine self._dialect = engine.dialect self._compiled_cache = compiled_cache
[docs] def execute(self, query, *multiparams, **params): """Executes a SQL query with optional parameters. query - a SQL query string or any sqlalchemy expression. *multiparams/**params - represent bound parameter values to be used in the execution. Typically, the format is a dictionary passed to *multiparams: await conn.execute( table.insert(), {"id":1, "value":"v1"}, ) ...or individual key/values interpreted by **params:: await conn.execute( table.insert(), id=1, value="v1" ) In the case that a plain SQL string is passed, a tuple or individual values in *multiparams may be passed:: await conn.execute( "INSERT INTO table (id, value) VALUES (%d, %s)", (1, "v1") ) await conn.execute( "INSERT INTO table (id, value) VALUES (%s, %s)", 1, "v1" ) Returns ResultProxy instance with results of SQL query execution. """ coro = self._execute(query, *multiparams, **params) return _SAConnectionContextManager(coro)
def _base_params(self, query, dp, compiled, is_update): """ handle params """ if dp and isinstance(dp, (list, tuple)): if is_update: dp = {c.key: pval for c, pval in zip(query.table.c, dp)} else: raise exc.ArgumentError( "Don't mix sqlalchemy SELECT " "clause with positional " "parameters" ) compiled_params = compiled.construct_params(dp) processors = compiled._bind_processors params = [{ key: processors.get(key, noop)(compiled_params[key]) for key in compiled_params }] post_processed_params = self._dialect.execute_sequence_format(params) return post_processed_params[0] async def _executemany(self, query, dps, cursor): """ executemany """ result_map = None if isinstance(query, str): await cursor.executemany(query, dps) elif isinstance(query, DDLElement): raise exc.ArgumentError( "Don't mix sqlalchemy DDL clause " "and execution with parameters" ) elif isinstance(query, ClauseElement): compiled = query.compile(dialect=self._dialect) params = [] is_update = isinstance(query, UpdateBase) for dp in dps: params.append( self._base_params( query, dp, compiled, is_update, ) ) await cursor.executemany(str(compiled), params) result_map = compiled._result_columns else: raise exc.ArgumentError( "sql statement should be str or " "SQLAlchemy data " "selection/modification clause" ) ret = await create_result_proxy( self, cursor, self._dialect, result_map ) self._weak_results.add(ret) return ret async def _execute(self, query, *multiparams, **params): cursor = await self._connection.cursor() dp = _distill_params(multiparams, params) if len(dp) > 1: return await self._executemany(query, dp, cursor) elif dp: dp = dp[0] result_map = None if isinstance(query, str): await cursor.execute(query, dp or None) elif isinstance(query, ClauseElement): if self._compiled_cache is not None: key = query compiled = self._compiled_cache.get(key) if not compiled: compiled = query.compile(dialect=self._dialect) if dp and dp.keys() == compiled.params.keys() \ or not (dp or compiled.params): # we only want queries with bound params in cache self._compiled_cache[key] = compiled else: compiled = query.compile(dialect=self._dialect) if not isinstance(query, DDLElement): post_processed_params = self._base_params( query, dp, compiled, isinstance(query, UpdateBase) ) result_map = compiled._result_columns else: if dp: raise exc.ArgumentError("Don't mix sqlalchemy DDL clause " "and execution with parameters") post_processed_params = compiled.construct_params() result_map = None await cursor.execute(str(compiled), post_processed_params) else: raise exc.ArgumentError("sql statement should be str or " "SQLAlchemy data " "selection/modification clause") ret = await create_result_proxy( self, cursor, self._dialect, result_map ) self._weak_results.add(ret) return ret
[docs] async def scalar(self, query, *multiparams, **params): """Executes a SQL query and returns a scalar value.""" res = await self.execute(query, *multiparams, **params) return (await res.scalar())
@property def closed(self): """The readonly property that returns True if connections is closed.""" return self._connection is None or self._connection.closed @property def connection(self): return self._connection
[docs] def begin(self): """Begin a transaction and return a transaction handle. The returned object is an instance of Transaction. This object represents the "scope" of the transaction, which completes when either the .rollback or .commit method is called. Nested calls to .begin on the same SAConnection instance will return new Transaction objects that represent an emulated transaction within the scope of the enclosing transaction, that is:: trans = await conn.begin() # outermost transaction trans2 = await conn.begin() # "nested" await trans2.commit() # does nothing await trans.commit() # actually commits Calls to .commit only have an effect when invoked via the outermost Transaction object, though the .rollback method of any of the Transaction objects will roll back the transaction. See also: .begin_nested - use a SAVEPOINT .begin_twophase - use a two phase/XA transaction """ coro = self._begin() return _TransactionContextManager(coro)
async def _begin(self): if self._transaction is None: self._transaction = RootTransaction(self) await self._begin_impl() return self._transaction else: return Transaction(self, self._transaction) async def _begin_impl(self): cur = await self._connection.cursor() try: await cur.execute('BEGIN') finally: await cur.close() async def _commit_impl(self): cur = await self._connection.cursor() try: await cur.execute('COMMIT') finally: await cur.close() self._transaction = None async def _rollback_impl(self): cur = await self._connection.cursor() try: await cur.execute('ROLLBACK') finally: await cur.close() self._transaction = None
[docs] async def begin_nested(self): """Begin a nested transaction and return a transaction handle. The returned object is an instance of :class:`.NestedTransaction`. Nested transactions require SAVEPOINT support in the underlying database. Any transaction in the hierarchy may .commit() and .rollback(), however the outermost transaction still controls the overall .commit() or .rollback() of the transaction of a whole. """ if self._transaction is None: self._transaction = RootTransaction(self) await self._begin_impl() else: self._transaction = NestedTransaction(self, self._transaction) self._transaction._savepoint = await self._savepoint_impl() return self._transaction
async def _savepoint_impl(self, name=None): self._savepoint_seq += 1 name = 'aiomysql_sa_savepoint_%s' % self._savepoint_seq cur = await self._connection.cursor() try: await cur.execute('SAVEPOINT ' + name) return name finally: await cur.close() async def _rollback_to_savepoint_impl(self, name, parent): cur = await self._connection.cursor() try: await cur.execute('ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT ' + name) finally: await cur.close() self._transaction = parent async def _release_savepoint_impl(self, name, parent): cur = await self._connection.cursor() try: await cur.execute('RELEASE SAVEPOINT ' + name) finally: await cur.close() self._transaction = parent
[docs] async def begin_twophase(self, xid=None): """Begin a two-phase or XA transaction and return a transaction handle. The returned object is an instance of TwoPhaseTransaction, which in addition to the methods provided by Transaction, also provides a TwoPhaseTransaction.prepare() method. xid - the two phase transaction id. If not supplied, a random id will be generated. """ if self._transaction is not None: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Cannot start a two phase transaction when a transaction " "is already in progress.") if xid is None: xid = self._dialect.create_xid() self._transaction = TwoPhaseTransaction(self, xid) await self.execute("XA START %s", xid) return self._transaction
async def _prepare_twophase_impl(self, xid): await self.execute("XA END '%s'" % xid) await self.execute("XA PREPARE '%s'" % xid)
[docs] async def recover_twophase(self): """Return a list of prepared twophase transaction ids.""" result = await self.execute("XA RECOVER;") return [row[0] for row in result]
[docs] async def rollback_prepared(self, xid, *, is_prepared=True): """Rollback prepared twophase transaction.""" if not is_prepared: await self.execute("XA END '%s'" % xid) await self.execute("XA ROLLBACK '%s'" % xid)
[docs] async def commit_prepared(self, xid, *, is_prepared=True): """Commit prepared twophase transaction.""" if not is_prepared: await self.execute("XA END '%s'" % xid) await self.execute("XA COMMIT '%s'" % xid)
@property def in_transaction(self): """Return True if a transaction is in progress.""" return self._transaction is not None and self._transaction.is_active
[docs] async def close(self): """Close this SAConnection. This results in a release of the underlying database resources, that is, the underlying connection referenced internally. The underlying connection is typically restored back to the connection-holding Pool referenced by the Engine that produced this SAConnection. Any transactional state present on the underlying connection is also unconditionally released via calling Transaction.rollback() method. After .close() is called, the SAConnection is permanently in a closed state, and will allow no further operations. """ if self._connection is None: return if self._transaction is not None: await self._transaction.rollback() self._transaction = None # don't close underlying connection, it can be reused by pool # conn.close() self._engine.release(self) self._connection = None self._engine = None
async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.close()
def _distill_params(multiparams, params): """Given arguments from the calling form *multiparams, **params, return a list of bind parameter structures, usually a list of dictionaries. In the case of 'raw' execution which accepts positional parameters, it may be a list of tuples or lists. """ if not multiparams: if params: return [params] else: return [] elif len(multiparams) == 1: zero = multiparams[0] if isinstance(zero, (list, tuple)): if not zero or hasattr(zero[0], '__iter__') and \ not hasattr(zero[0], 'strip'): # execute(stmt, [{}, {}, {}, ...]) # execute(stmt, [(), (), (), ...]) return zero else: # execute(stmt, ("value", "value")) return [zero] elif hasattr(zero, 'keys'): # execute(stmt, {"key":"value"}) return [zero] else: # execute(stmt, "value") return [[zero]] else: if (hasattr(multiparams[0], '__iter__') and not hasattr(multiparams[0], 'strip')): return multiparams else: return [multiparams]